The Importance of Business Continuity Management

Disruptive Incidents

Business Continuity Management (BCM) is the process of planning for disruptive incidents. Examples could include failure of infrastructure, fire or flood, or even an information security incident such as a data breach. Organisations should regularly identify potential threats and analyse their impact on day-to-day operations.

ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management Systems

The internationally recognised standard for Business Continuity Management is ISO 22301. The ISO is an independent, non-governmental organisation who publishes the standards to ensure high-quality goods and services, as well as eco-friendly, safe practices, and more.

ISO 22301 is designed to help organisations prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from unexpected and disruptive incidents and is tailored specifically around your business. So, should the unthinkable occur, there is minimal downtime and disruption. By having a Business Continuity Management system in place, you are saving your reputation, money, time and avoiding a huge headache!

Protect your Reputation

ISO 22301 ensures that you are mitigating any incidents where possible, and should one occur, that you can respond quickly and efficiently. As a result, you will be able to continue to meet your customers’ and other key stakeholders’ requirements, protecting your reputation.

Build and Strengthen Relationships

An effective Business Continuity Management System demonstrates that your organisation is well-run from top to bottom, which will help strengthen existing relationships and play a key role in building new ones.

It also indicates that you are a trustworthy and reliable partner that has considered its responsibilities to clients, employees, and partners.

Comply with Legislation

The business continuity standard’s requirements ensure you can comply with the requirements of corporate governance. The standard can provide evidence that you have taken the necessary steps to comply with regulatory requirements that call for an effective business continuity management system.

The cyber threat landscape has made businesses more aware of the risk of cyberattacks, and the importance of being able to respond and recover from such incidents. With this in mind, it’s important to assess all risks to your business, and have a plan in place if each were to happen.

Become Certified

If you want to be able to meet the needs of your customers and other key stakeholders in the event of a disruption, then becoming certified in ISO 22301 is for your organisation.

Click Here for more information on ISO or Get in Touch.

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