How ISO 27001 Can Save You Time and Money

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is the internationally recognised standard for information security management systems and is implemented in thousands of companies to regulate and improve processes to ensure data confidentiality. Any company that deals with sensitive information or data should invest in ISO 27001 to ensure compliance with government legislation and regulatory and contractual requirements. By having the standard, you are committed to protecting your customers, employees, and other stakeholders’ information. ISO 27001 also prevents data breaches as a result of cyber-attacks.


Ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly popular, and they can be extremely expensive to pay off! If you find yourself in a position where a hacker is asking for money, it is recommended to not pay the ransom. However, many companies may think it is the best route to take to avoid any further issues, which is in fact a myth. By paying up to thousands of pounds ransom, you are not only letting hackers take advantage of you and your company, but you are also losing out on money and making yourself a target again for future attacks.

Other Types of Cyber Attacks

Another common cyber-attack is phishing. This type of attack happens when an individual sends emails that appear legitimate in order to obtain sensitive information from the target. An example of such information could be bank details, emails, or telephone numbers.

When launching the attack, the individual may send a link that directs you to a website that then tricks you into downloading malware such as viruses or giving access to confidential information. The majority of the time, targets do not realise they have been compromised, which enables the attacker to go after others in the organisation.

This emphasises the importance of having an ISMS (information security management system) such as ISO 27001.

Cost of a Data Breach

Data breaches can cost up to thousands, if not millions to resolve. Fines are typically issued to organisations that have breached GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). GDPR is legislation that came into force to ensure stricter measures around handling data. Although the financial implications are far from ideal, the reputational damage can be much worse for businesses. Following a data breach at the fault of your company, expect some disgruntled customers who will lose trust and take their business elsewhere.

It’s crucial that all businesses, particularly smaller businesses have processes and procedures in place to protect their information assets. With information security management systems such as ISO 27001, your organisation will ensure that your information assets and your customer’s and other stakeholders’ data are sufficiently protected to save your company from paying costly fines.

Minimise Errors

By implementing ISO 27001, your organisation will be able to better reduce human errors. Due to the awareness training provided on information security management once your system is implemented, upper management and employees will be aware of the information security management system (ISMS) and how to maintain it.

The objective of ISO 27001 is ultimately to prevent harm from occurring, which means that you do not want to just focus on preventing malicious attacks on the organisation, you want to focus on preventing damage too.

ISO 27001 provides requirements for processes and management systems that ensure that your company’s security policy and practices are implemented, followed, monitored, and evaluated. The standard also demonstrates that your organisation is committed to improving its security practices by using the framework.

Support with ISO 27001

Are you in need of support when it comes to information security management?

Candy Management Consultants have a team of expert ISO 27001 consultants ready to implement a bespoke ISMS that meets your organisation’s requirements.

Our customers are at the heart of what we do, therefore, to ensure customer satisfaction we adapt our 21st-century approach based on your needs and your industry. We have supported companies in a variety of different industries in their pursuit of ISO 27001 certification and offer a fixed-day fee and flexible payment plans.

If you want to protect your company’s information assets, implement ISO 27001 into your company and receive the benefits.

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