How Much Does ISO 45001 Cost?

What is ISO 45001?

ISO 45001 is the internationally recognised standard for Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management Systems. The standard provides a framework for businesses to ensure the health and safety of employees and other stakeholders. ISO 45001 can be adopted by businesses of all sizes and in any industry.

Businesses often become ISO 45001 certified because they wish to create a safer work environment, demonstrate their commitment to health and safety, and qualify for tenders and contracts.

What are the Benefits of ISO 45001?

There are many benefits to the OH&S management standard such as:

  • Compliance with legal requirements
  • Create a health and safety mindset
  • Identify and reduce risks
  • Win more tenders
  • Reduce employee sick leave/absenteeism
  • Improve your company reputation

Why is the Health and Safety Standard Important?

As an employee, it is expected that you go to work and be in a safe environment but unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.

An unsafe workplace is not only dangerous to employees but can result in large fines due to breaches of health and safety legislation. Regardless of the industry or size of the business, there is a moral obligation for employers to ensure their employees return home safely. The standard also identifies and mitigates risks which in turn reduces sick leave, increases productivity, and promotes a happier, healthier workforce.

By implementing the occupational health and safety standard, as a business, you are emphasising the importance of keeping your employees safe.

Best Industries for ISO 45001

There is no doubt that ISO 45001 applies to many industries, however, some are more prone to injuries due to the nature of the work carried out. Take construction and manufacturing, for example, these are higher-risk industries.

In construction, there are many hazards such as working from heights, moving equipment, and vehicles, working with potentially dangerous tools, and much more. Having procedures and steps to follow to ensure staff are safe such as wearing personal protective equipment, keeping a site tidy, reporting defects in equipment followed by much more is vital to stop accidents from happening.

This does not mean that accidents cannot happen in office-based jobs as there are still many ways in which somebody could be injured such as falling over wires, slipping on water, or straining your eyes. Therefore, the standard is also widely used by organisations with office staff too.

Let’s Talk Pricing

Considering whether ISO 45001 is suitable for your company? One of the most frequently asked questions, and the most important factor is often the cost.

There are numerous factors that affect the price of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

Some of these factors include:

  • The size of your company and the number of employees
  • The number of sites your company has
  • The industry in which your company operates  
  • The complexity of your businesses processes

Resource Planning

ISO 45001 emphasises employee safety and implements processes to keep your employees safe. Not only is it morally correct to do so, but it also avoids absenteeism and insurance claims. The frequency of your surveillance audits may vary based on the number of staff and the risk your business poses, so be sure to plan ahead for the resources needed.

Cost Involved with Training

There may be a cost associated with training if your organisation does not currently have any internal auditor-trained employees. The cost varies depending on the training and the provider, so it is advised to do your research. Training courses are a good way of ensuring staff is competent and more efficient in carrying out their responsibilities, putting less strain on resources in the long run.

Hiring a Consultant

If time and resources are already limited, hiring an ISO 45001 consultant will ensure a smooth implementation process.

Candy Management Consultants are a friendly team of experts within the ISO and Health and Safety industries. We serve clients nationwide and can assist with the implementation of ISO 45001. We make sure all our services are provided promptly and have an 100% success rate to date.

We also offer internal auditor awareness training. Get In Touch to discuss your requirements!

Contact Us for a free quotation if you’re interested in hiring a consultant.

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