Is ISO 45001 a legal requirement?

Is your company legally required to apply for and obtain ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) 45001 certification? With so many rules, regulations, and guidelines set out for UK businesses to abide by, it can be difficult to determine which are compulsory and which are optional for your firm.

Luckily, the expert team of qualified ISO 45001 consultants here at Candy Management Consultants know the difference. Below, we explain whether ISO 45001 is a mandatory qualification for your business, and if not, whether (and why!) you should consider applying for this sought-after certification. 

Is ISO 45001 a legal requirement in the UK?

No, you are not required by law to hold ISO 45001 certification or any other similar ISO standards. However, that doesn’t mean that ISO 45001 can’t be incredibly beneficial to your business and even help you to perform your legal duty to protect the welfare of your employees.

As per the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers do have a legal duty to protect the health, safety, and welfare of all employees as far as is reasonably practical. This means employers need to create a safe working environment by carrying out regular risk assessments, hosting health and safety training sessions for employees, and implementing a health and safety management system.

When a business becomes ISO 45001 certified, they are simply formally proving that their organisation complies with occupational health and safety (OH&S) regulations. As a result, while there is no legal responsibility to hold ISO 45001 certification, there is a legal duty to manage health and safety risks in the workplace.

The degree of health and safety management will naturally vary depending on the type of business. However, every employee deserves to feel safe while at work regardless of the industry. Employers therefore have a moral as well as a legal obligation to protect their staff as much as possible – especially when it comes to preventing human injury and loss of life.

Obtaining your ISO 45001 certification is just another step you can take as an employer to protect your employees by constantly improving your health and safety management system. Not only does it create a better relationship between your business and staff, but it also highlights your company as a considerate and conscientiousorganisation to potential suppliers, business partners, customers, and stakeholders.

Contact expert ISO 45001 consultants

If you want to support the success of your business with ISO 45001 certification, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the highly-knowledgeable team of consultants here at Candy Management Consultants. Thanks to an impressive 100% success rate to date, you can rest assured you’ve chosen a professional and efficient team.

Providing an unparalleled level of customer service, transparent prices, and set timeframes, our team consistently delivers a high-quality service exactly when we say we will. Complete with a range of affordable payment solutions, we help businesses to constantly improve the way they operate – all for a practical price!

To find out more about our ISO 45001 consultant services or to receive an answer to any related query you might have, please feel free to give our friendly team a call on 0161 470 7929. We also look forward to receiving your enquiry via email ( or through our convenient online contact form.

Once we’ve received your enquiry, we’ll be in touch soon to find out more about your ISO 45001 requirements!

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