Best ISO Standards for the Healthcare Industry

What is ISO?

ISO stands for the International Organisation for Standardisation. The ISO is a non-governmental, independent body that develops the standards. ISO standards exist to ensure consistency, quality products or services, eco-friendly and good health and safety practices, and much more. Certification is typically handled by a third-party certification body and tested annually. 

Each certification has separate standards and criteria and is classified numerically. For example, the standard for Quality Management Systems is ISO 9001:2015. 

Why ISO is Particularly Important in Healthcare

The reputation of a healthcare organisation relies on patient safety and security, therefore providing high-quality care should be of the highest importance for your organisation. ISO certification will help you optimise your company’s processes while also safeguarding your patients’ personal information.

ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognised standard for Quality Management and helps ensure your organisation has a strong customer focus.

This standard will provide your healthcare organisation with the strategic tools it requires to establish a competitive edge by providing safe, dependable, and trustworthy products and services.

The best way to improve patient safety and deliver patient-centred care is to implement a quality management system.

ISO 27001: Information Security Management Systems

ISO 27001 specifies the requirements of an Information Security Management System. This includes establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continuously upgrading an information security management system (ISMS), which aids companies in securing their data assets.

By implementing ISO 27001, customers will trust that your company has the appropriate procedures in place to secure their sensitive information.

Certification will also assist you in implementing systems and policies that prioritise data security, reducing the risk of data breaches and reputational damage.

Getting Started with ISO…

If you want to meet your customers’ requirements, then becoming ISO certified will benefit your healthcare organisation.

Click Here for more information on ISO or Get in Touch.

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