ISO 14001

ISO Standards at a Glance

ISO Standards at a Glance

What is ISO? ISO stands for the International Organisation for Standardisation. ISO certification ensures high-quality products and services, good health and safety procedures, eco-friendly practices, and more. Standards help organisations improve their performance by specifying steps that an organisation should implement to achieve their goals and objectives and to create a culture of continual improvement.

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The Process of Implementing an ISO Management System Explained

The Process of Implementing an ISO Management System Explained

What is ISO? ISO management system standards help organisations improve their performance by specifying steps that an organisation should implement to achieve their goals and objectives and to create a culture of continual improvement. There are around 22,000 different standards that exist covering a range of industries. Some of the most common standards include ISO

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Is ISO Certification For You?

Is ISO Certification For You?

What Does ISO Mean? ISO stands for the International Organisation for Standardisation. ISO certification ensures high-quality products and services, good health and safety procedures, eco-friendly practices, and more. Why Do We Need ISO? ISO certification is beneficial for millions of companies in many ways. Each standard positively impacts your business both short and long-term but

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How The Problem of Waste Can be Tackled in Construction

How The Problem of Waste Can be Tackled in Construction

What is ISO 14001? ISO 14001 is the internationally recognised standard for environmental management. It is implemented in companies to enhance their environmental performance and implement more energy-efficient processes. The construction industry contributes to 50% of landfill waste and 23% of air pollution. These statistics show why so many construction companies have ISO 14001 and

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3 Reasons Your Business Needs an Environmental Management System

3 Reasons Your Business Needs an Environmental Management System

What is ISO 14001? ISO 14001 is the internationally recognised standard for Environmental Management. It is implemented in companies to enhance your company’s environmental performance and implement more eco-friendly processes. Attract Customers 4 out of 5 people say they are more likely to buy from a company who have a positive approach to their environmental

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Does Your Organisation Need a Gap Analysis?

Does Your Organisation Need a Gap Analysis?

What is a Gap Analysis? A Gap analysis examines what processes your organisation already has implemented and will identify the gaps to see what is missing. This allows your company to come up with an accurate project plan with assistance from a consultant so that your company can achieve ISO certification. Your consultant will discuss

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The Most Common ISO Certifications for Construction Firms

The Most Common ISO Certifications for Construction Firms

ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems ISO 9001 is the internationally recognised standard for Quality Management Systems and is implemented in companies within the construction industry to ensure a high-quality service is delivered. To guarantee the best work ethic, staff are trained to complete their work to the best quality standard. This creates a better name

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