Why Do We Need ISO Standards?

Why ISO?

ISO certification has many long-term benefits which will build a bespoke framework for your company. There are numerous ISO standards, and ISO 9001 is the most popular standard, specifying the requirements of a Quality Management System. With over 1 million companies in over 150 countries being ISO 9001 certified, you may be interested in learning what all the fuss is about…

ISO 9001 is more than just a certificate; it shows customers and other companies that your business operates to a high standard and has a strong customer focus.

ISO 9001 – Quality Management

ISO 9001 implements strategies to improve the overall quality of a product or service that your business offers. It ensures that business risks and opportunities are addressed and measured so that companies are aware of their weaknesses and where they need to improve, enabling them to maintain this improvement whilst also being consistent with their strengths. ISO 9001 opens doors for new business, such as being able to qualify for tenders.

ISO 14001 – Environmental Management

Controlling your carbon footprint within your company no matter the size should be a priority. ISO 14001 is the recognised standard for environmental management and is implemented into companies to improve their environmental performance. Not only will being a greener company enhance your reputation, but it will also reduce costs as there is much less waste. By becoming more eco-friendly, your business will be compliant with environmental legislation, ensuring you aren’t at risk of paying high fines. When you do become ISO 14001 certified, it’s not uncommon to see a substantial reduction in insurance premiums.

Overall, you are saving more money that can be invested back into growing your business.

ISO 45001 – Health and Safety Management

One of the most important things in business is ensuring your employee’s well-being is the best it can be. ISO 45001 will guide your company to be safer protecting you, your staff, and your service users. Although seemingly minor, slips, trips, and falls are the most common accidents to happen in the workplace and can easily be prevented thanks to a Health and Safety management system.

The standard also ensures compliance with government legislation, helping to reduce employee absenteeism and any fines which may come out of accidents. Creating a health and safety mindset for your business will improve your company name opening your business up to new opportunities.

ISO 27001 – Information Security Management

Every business deals with confidential data, whether it is the employee’s data or service users’ data. Thousands of data breaches are increasingly occurring every year and almost half of these breaches happen to small businesses, proving that the risk is still high.

ISO 27001 provides employee training to promote a security mindset ensuring they can mitigate risks with early identification. Service users will build trust with the company knowing that their data is safe as this standard can data breaches due to training and care from the employees as well as increased cyber defence. ISO 27001 also covers legislation such as GDPR, giving you peace of mind that you are compliant, so you’re not facing any fines or reputational damage.

ISO 22301 – Business Continuity Management

COVID-19 hitting the world really showed businesses that the unthinkable can happen. ISO 22301 is the recognised standard for Business Continuity Management which implements specific recovery procedures in the event of an incident.

Disasters in a business could be something like a flood or a fire and ensuring that your company has a continuity plan is vital to protecting assets and helps prevent substantial profit loss. With this standard, your company is not only reducing risks as they will be aware of what could happen, but in case the worst thing does happen, there is a plan on how to continue running the business.

ISO 22301 protects your company assets which reduce costs and allows you to become more completive in your industry.

Getting Started With ISO…

If you want to benefit your industry and improve your company’s ability to meet your customer’s and employee requirements and needs then becoming certified in ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001 and ISO 22301 is for you.

Click Here for more information on ISO or Get in Touch.

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