Getting Your Business Back on its Feet

What is ISO 22301?

Have you ever thought about what you would do with your business if the unthinkable happened? The unthinkable could be a fire to your office, a data breach in your systems, or even a global pandemic!

ISO 22301 is the business continuity standard and has been developed to protect companies from risks associated with downtime which can occur due to unexpected disruptions or disasters.

Preparing For The Worst

Disasters in a business can vary from things such as a flood hitting your offices or even a chemical explosion. We would never expect these awful things to happen to our companies, but if it can happen to someone else it can most definitely happen to you. Do you have a backup plan?

Implementing recovery procedures is what ISO 22301 will assist your company with, if there was a fire in your office, ensuring there is another place for your employees to work is crucial. Working from home is the best option so that your employees feel as though they are in a safe environment. Backing up documents on software such as Microsoft 365 is essential as it ensures that no documents are missing, and the business can still run the same just perhaps not in the same setting. By having these steps in place, your employees can still give customers the highest quality service and the business is still able to run as usual.

Maintaining a Successful Business

What if your backup plan doesn’t work? To ensure your plans after these events will work, checking them every few weeks is key. Testing the technology to make sure it’s reliable will help you ensure that there is no worry, and your employees can still work is vital. Investing in backup systems such as computers will also make sure nobody goes without work. Without testing, you could make the financial problems worse by buying products after a disaster, which is definitely not needed in the time of a costly event.

Getting Started with ISO

If you want to improve your company’s ability to meet your customer’s and other stakeholders needs, then becoming certified in ISO 22301 may be for you.

Click Here for more information on ISO or Get in Touch.

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