Quick Guide to ISO 27001

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is the internationally recognised standard for information security management systems and is implemented in thousands of companies to regulate and improve processes to ensure data confidentiality. Any company that deals with sensitive information or data should invest in ISO 27001 to ensure compliance with government legislation, and regulatory and contractual requirements. By having the standard, you are committed to protecting your customers, employees, and other stakeholder’s information. ISO 27001 also prevents data breaches as a result of cyber-attacks. 

Dealing with Sensitive Information

Millions of people’s data is sold on the dark web every year. This makes you think about how many people reveal their sensitive information to your business. They give their full name, email address, phone number, and perhaps even their bank information. If this information was accessed by a hacker, your company could be hit with costly fines as well as a bad reputation – why would you take the risk?

Hackers often target small businesses as they seem more vulnerable due to having less data security, however, ISO 27001 will implement the software into systems and provide guidance on information security. For example, having a clear desk policy and where possible, not sharing confidential information over email.

Demonstrate Compliance

Businesses implement ISO 27001 for the confidentiality of their company information, but many companies implement it to show compliance with government legislations such as the General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR). GDPR is an EU law that covers the protection of personal data and how we use and process it. This shows customers and contractors that your company is trustworthy and compliant, helping to win the trust of customers, and resulting in more business.

What Other Benefits will ISO 27001 Provide?

  • The information security standard will establish trust with your customers which will further create a positive reputation for your organisation.
  • ISO 27001 also minimises the risks of data breaches through identifying them at early stages avoiding a large consequence.
  • The standard will also provide employee training so that staff are aware of potential dangers which will avoid them from occurring in the first place.
  • If your company were to experience a data breach, ISO 27001 will minimise downtime, and save you money.

Getting Started with ISO 27001

If you want to protect your company’s confidential information and prevent data breaches from occurring, investing in ISO 27001 is for you, for more information on ISO Get in Touch with our expert team!

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