Turning Risks into Opportunities with ISO

A Competitive Market

For many industries, it is likely there are a lot of companies offering the same product or service like yours. What are you doing differently to stand out? Perhaps you pride yourselves on offering the best customer service or a different USP. One thing is for sure, competition can be fierce. It is simply not enough to say your company is the best. From a prospective customer’s point of view, they are likely to feel more reassured and choose to do business with your company if they see an internationally recognised accreditation.

Take a competitive industry such as construction for example. You may be looking for a firm to undertake a commercial project, but can how can you be sure they will deliver to the high standards they said they would? Accreditations can often speak louder than words and be a deal-breaker!

In certain industries such as construction, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders may be on the lookout for Constructionline, SSIP, and ISO accreditations. By obtaining these, not only are you deemed more trustworthy, but you are able to qualify for government tenders and contracts. You will also be able to stand out in a competitive market and prove you have had a third-party external assessor audit your company.

ISO Accreditations

ISO stands for the International Organisation for Standardisation. They are an independent, non-governmental organisation responsible for developing and publishing the various ISO standards.

ISO certification is an established and internationally recognised accreditation used to ensure organisations meet international standards for products, services, and processes. There are around 22,000 standards covering a variety of industries.

One of the most popular ISO certifications is ISO 9001:2015, the standard for Quality Management Systems. ISO 9001 ensures your company meets customer and other stakeholder needs in line with statutory and regulatory requirements. By holding the accreditation, your company will have a competitive advantage.

Supply Chains

Supply chain disruptions are a huge risk, particularly if you are in the manufacturing industry. This can cause all sorts of issues – such as creating a negative reputation for your company and causing a loss of revenue. Finding alternative, more reliable suppliers is a great solution – but there are still risks that should be addressed with changing suppliers. ISO certification helps mitigate such issues and ensures all risks and opportunities are addressed.

Getting Started with ISO

If you want to demonstrate your ability to meet your customers, employees, and other stakeholders’ requirements, become ISO accredited.

For more information on ISO, Get in Touch with our expert team!

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