5 of the Worst Data Breaches in History


Between 2013 and 2016, Yahoo! were hacked by Russian spies resulting in estimated 3 billion user accounts being accessed. This is the largest data breach in history and was simply caused by phishing emails, this proves that one wrong click of a link could cost millions. People’s names, phone numbers, security questions with answers as well as recovery emails were leaked, this cost Yahoo! $117,500,000 to compensate.


In April of 2011, an attacker hacked into Sony’s PlayStation network receiving names, phone numbers, and login details of 78 million users, they also managed to get into the PC games and access more confidential information making the total hacked number 102 million. Just the make matters worse, 23,400 million European users had their credit card information stolen. To solve the issue, Sony took the network offline for three weeks and offered free identity theft protection, and outlined that they will be more precautions with data breaches in the future.


In 2012, a Russian hacker gained access to 165 million people’s usernames and passwords which were then posted onto a Russian hacker forum for thousands of people to access. LinkedIn responded by paying $1.25 million to breached victims who were paying for premium services.


In December 2013, around black Friday, hackers received over 110 million customers’ information through phishing emails sent to Target employees. This resulted in attackers gaining access to millions of people’s credit-debit card information. Target after the incident upped their cyber security and are to pay millions for the damages.


Back in 2017, a hacker received 143 million users’ data through Experian not having a security fix on their web application tool. This small error allowed attackers to gain access to social security numbers, addresses, birth dates, driver’s license information, and much more. Due to the fact it could have been so easily prevented, Experian are currently being sued!

Getting Started with ISO

Don’t be fooled by thinking attackers only reach larger companies, many hackers aim for small businesses as their security isn’t as high.  

If you want to protect your company assets, implement ISO 27001 into your company to receive the benefits

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