The Secret to a Happy and Productive Workforce

Are You Looking After Your Workers?

How can you increase productivity in construction? It is no secret that a happy workforce is a more productive workforce. A construction project is nothing without its workers, so satisfied employees are crucial for getting a project completed on time.

There are plenty of ways to boost productivity, from offering extra training to making them feel heard, but is their health and safety your priority?  

Health and safety is undoubtedly one of the most important considerations you should take before commencing any construction project. The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) workplace fatality statistics reports an alarming 142 employees killed at work (2020/21), highlighting the significance of workplace health and safety standards.  

Your Business Can Benefit from ISO 45001

In construction, around 2.1 million working days (full-day equivalent) were lost each year between 2017/18 and 2019/20 due to workplace injury and work-related illness (HSE). With these statistics in mind, the question is, what can construction companies do to prevent injuries and illness?

The answer – ISO 45001. But what exactly is it? ISO 45001 is an internationally recognised standard for occupational health and safety. Put simply, it protects and enhances your most important asset, your people, to drive business excellence. Although it is particularly important in the construction industry, it is important for any organisation, regardless of size or sector.  

Benefits of ISO 45001:

  • Makes your business more efficient by reducing absenteeism and accidents in the workplace
  • Strengthened reputation through demonstration of compliance
  • Increases organisational resilience through proactive risk prevention, innovation, and continual improvement.
  • Reduces costs through lower insurance premiums
  • Improves morale and staff retention
  • Win more tenders
  • Enhanced competitiveness

Click here to read more on ISO 45001.

Get Started with ISO 45001 and Increase Productivity

Putting health and safety first can increase productivity in construction and have a hugely positive impact on the success of your organisation, affecting profits, operational costs, and public image.

Candy Management Consultants are a friendly team of ISO and health and safety experts. We make sure all our services are provided promptly and we have a 100% success rate.  

We also offer a variety of health and safety packages. Learn more.

Get in touch to find out how we can help.

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