Why You’re Losing Money by Not Having ISO

The Value of ISO

If you’re in top management, or simply another key stakeholder within an organisation, you’re probably interested in learning more about the ROI of ISO certification, after all, it takes time to achieve your certification and costs money!

You may be aware of some of the benefits it offers but you aren’t exactly sure how it can increase profitability? Keep reading to learn more about how you can expect to see a return on your ISO investment.

A Recap on ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems

ISO exists to ensure quality products and services, good health and safety practices, better environmental management, and more. The ISO (International Standardisation Organisation) is a non-governmental, independent body that publishes standards.

ISO certification shows your key stakeholders that you have a well-run business that has structure, is stable, and ready for growth. There are many different standards, and each has its own benefits. However, ISO 9001 (the standard for Quality Management Systems) is one of the most popular and helps put your customers first.

Access New Markets

If you are planning on entering markets overseas, then having a credible certification such as ISO that is internationally recognised is necessary. International customers may not recognise nation-specific certifications, but typically recognise ISO certifications, improving your credibility in foreign markets.

More Opportunities to Do Business

ISO 9001 generates opportunities to make your organisation more profitable. A myth is that the simple act of implementation of an ISO 9001 system alone will make you more money. This is not true, as you will need to follow the processes and procedures implemented to truly benefit financially. It’s also a good idea to get the buy-in of all those in top management, and the company in general, including your staff. Keep up to date with training and educate employees on your new management system.

Having a Quality Management System such as ISO 9001 will open doors in your organisation that might not have been opened before – enabling you to capitalise on new-found opportunities for a more profitable future. It can also prove the difference between your organisation is eligible for large-scale and government contracts that are reserved for organisations with ISO.

Getting Started with ISO

If you want to demonstrate your ability to meet your customer’s and other key stakeholders’ requirements, then becoming certified in ISO 9001 is for your organisation.

Click Here for more information on ISO or Get in Touch.

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