Cleaning Up The Environment with ISO 14001

A Squeaky Clean Image

COP26 may be over, but the race to fix years of damage is most certainly not. For almost three decades, the UN has been bringing together almost every country for global climate summits (COPs). During that time, climate change has gone from being a fringe issue to a global priority. As individuals, we all have a responsibility to help tackle climate change, and businesses are by no means exempt.

It is no secret that some companies have learned the hard way when it comes to environmental legislation – take Weetabix for example. The UK cereal brand is said to have been fined £112,000 in 2019 after polluting the River Ise in Northamptonshire with 23,000 litres of diesel fuel. Not only does non-compliance often result in financial implications but the reputational damage is often far worse.

Businesses in the cleaning industry have stepped up their efforts to exhibit a better engagement in eco-friendly practices, such as responsible waste management and using less hazardous cleaning products. This poses the question, is your cleaning firm doing enough? What more can you be doing to improve your environmental performance?

ISO 14001 Winning New Business and Protecting the Environment

ISO standards are renowned for their flexible approach, allowing any business to implement a management system regardless of their size, type, or complexity.

ISO 14001 is part of a family of standards that relates to environmental management and exists to help companies minimise how their operations negatively impact the environment. It enables your business to comply with legislation, regulations, and other environmentally orientated requirements, and then continually improve upon them. It ensures you evaluate the environmental effects of all products and activities.

Why ISO 14001 for your cleaning business? Whether you are a small cleaning business servicing regular customers or a large cleaning firm competing for tenders, implementing ISO 14001 can be the key to success for your company.

Asides from the fact the standard demonstrates your commitment to protecting the environment, it will help you:

  • Save money through reduced energy consumption.
  • Provide a competitive edge when tendering or applying for contracts.
  • Manage waste responsibly and reduce the use of hazardous cleaning products.
  • Manage environmental risks and ensure the health and safety of your staff and customers.
  • Ensure you are compliant with UK environmental regulations and legislation.

Environmentally-conscious customers will think twice before hiring a cleaning company that does not have ISO 14001, which makes it a no-brainer if you are looking to win new business. Speaking of winning new business… you may be interested to hear that ISO 14001 allows your company to reach new markets, in turn providing the opportunity to expand your cleaning business.

How it Works

We will work with you to build a bespoke Environmental Management System that fits with your organisation, building on the good work you are already doing and supporting improvements.

At Candy Management Consultants, we use a flexible, 3-step process to implement your Management System around your current procedures:

Step 1. Gap Analysis

The gap analysis looks at what you already have in place and what you will need to change to meet the requirements of ISO 14001. We use a checklist to look at your current procedures and gauge the level of conformance you already have.

Step 2. Build the System

Next, we’ll build your new management system. You’ll know what you need to do from the gap analysis report, and we will work with top management to ensure that any issues are addressed, the new procedures you need are put in place, and that you are meeting the requirements of the standard.

Step 3. Implementation

We will work with you to train your employees on the new management system and how to maintain it. All staff members must understand the system so that when your auditor visits, they can be confident in answering any questions they may have. We’ll help you to get ready for your external third-party certification and confirm you are ready before we put you forward for it.

Environmental Excellence

Implementing an ISO standard isn’t all about paperwork. Our expert consultants are experienced in implementing Environmental Management Systems and keep the paperwork to a minimum, ensuring you get the maximum benefit from your Management System.

So, we know that ISO 14001 can be the difference between winning and losing a contract. But there are plenty more benefits that make it a standard worthy of investing in for your cleaning company.

If you want to grow your cleaning company and demonstrate commitment to environmental management, then ISO 14001 is a must.

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